10 de mar. de 2015

SOLITUDE - Acryl on Canvas

 SOLO 1,00x1,30 - 2014 

Lady of the word - Senhora da palavra
1,20x1,20 - 2014 

Pagan Light 50x80 2015 

Pagan Light 50x80 2014

Rain 50x70

Solo 1,00x1,30

Solitude II 1,00x0,80

Solo Café 1,00x1,20

Solitude Opera 1,00 x 1,20

Obsession 50x70

 Dreams - 2015

Solo Bike 60x80 2015

Liberdade Triptico

Cartoons by Synnöve

Barbie leaves the box - Barbie sai da caixa
Lipstick, Pencil and PMS - Lápis, Batom e TPM - 2015
Piracicaba - Brazil

SPYING - The Modern Spy
Berlin Cartoon Contest - 2015

Lipstick, Pencil and PMS 2014
Piracicaba - Brazil

Lipstick, Pencil and PMS 2015
Piracicaba - Brazil

Berlin Cartoon Contest 2015 - SPYING
Da Vinci and the Drone Prototype

The Little Royal Papparazza - Erica DD - 2014

Humor International Exhibition of Piracicaba 2013

1 de out. de 2014